Debt Instruments – Fixed Deposits

“Debt instruments are for investors with a low-risk appetite”. You often hear this statement from financial…

Tax Planning for starters

Tax planning for salaried employees calls for attention in the month of December, as employers mount…

Save Now Buy Later

The idea of Save Now Buy Later claims to turn the Buy Now Pay Later concept…

Fintech in Personal Finance

Fintech is a word bandied about relentlessly in start-up and investor groups, in discussions about money…

75 ways to improve financial quotient – Part 2

Financial Freedom is the way to define your personal freedom. We continue the list started yesterday…

Leverage in Personal Finance

Leveraging in simple words, means borrowing to finance something. Is leverage the same as debt? No.…

Power of Compounding Myths

“Power of compounding is the eighth wonder of the world”. The quote is attributed to both…

How Income Tax works in India 2022?

July is a high point in the financial life of employees and other taxpayers. It’s time…

Red Flags for NBFC Clients

RBI cancels license of — NBFC. Headlines hit hard sometimes. I start the day with a…

What are Investment Alternatives?

Investment alternatives are different from alternative investments. Alternative investments mean investing in less known avenues like…